Winter Wonderland and Campfire

January 10, 2026

Come for the whole day (Scouts or Cubs) or an afternoon (Beavers) filled with Winter fun, OAS adventures and enjoy the campfire!

Volunteers needed - indoor camping available or just the day 

Question?  Contact email is

Registrations have closed. See you next year!

A Winter Day Event For All Scout and Guide Sections!

January 10, 2026 - 11:30 pm to 6:30pm (All Sections)

Cost: $10 per person (youth Scouters/Guiders and Adults) - includes Lunch (hot dog roast and soup), hot chocolate and snacks (crest is extra)

Crest: $5 each (can be purchased at registration or at the event, while supplies last)

Dress for the weather, come self contained:

Bring: your own dishes, mugs and camp chairs, toboggans and helmets


January 11, 2024 - 9:30 am to 6:30pm (Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers)

Cost: $30 per person (All Youth, Scouters/Guiders and all Adults) - includes lunch (Campfire hamburgers, potatoes and carrots), dinner (hot dog roast and home made veg soup) and snacks, all day hot chocolate and snacks (crest included)

Dress for the weather, come self contained:

Bring: your own dishes, mugs and camp chairs, toboggans and helmets

Event ERP/Safety Information: Winter Wonderland ERP 

Everton ERP/Safety Information: Everton Scout Camp ERP 

Packing List: Day Outing Packing List 

Pre Camp Discussion Sheets: Outdoor Information for all Participants  


Winter Outdoor Adventure Skills and Winter FUN!

OAS Criteria: OAS Criteria Covered 

OAS Criteria Check List: OAS Check List  

Event Map: Event Map 

Be Prepared Kit/First Aid Kit: BP Kit/First Aid Kit 

Schedule - Afternoon Only:

11:30pm Gates open and Registration at Lion's Lodge Field/Activity Pavilion (Find your envelope)

12:00pm Gather at Activity Pavilion for Lunch - Hot Dog Roast, vegetable soup and hot chocolate/water  (Bring your chair)

1:00pm  Camp Fire - Lion's Lodge Field (bring your chair)

1:30pm Afternoon Activities - Wheeler Lodge Field: tobogganing, winter hike, snow shoeing, etc

5:00pm        Goodbye - safe travels home

Schedule - All Day:

9:00am Gates open and Registration at Activity Pavilion (Find your envelope)

9:30am Opening and Flag Break - Lion's Lodge flag pole

10:00am Morning Activities - Wheeler Lodge:  tobogganing, snow shoeing, chucking snow balls etc

12:00pm Lunch: at Activity Pavilion - Cooking fire located Scout Campfire Circle (bring your mess kit including mug (Build tinfoil dinners and cook)

1:30pm Afternoon Activities - Lion's Lodge Field, Knot Shack and Tent Site G: winter hike, winter activities, shelter Building, etc

5:00pm Dinner  - Hot Dog Roast, vegetable soup and hot chocolate/water (bring your mess kit, mug, water bottle) (each group will have own cooler)

6:30pm Hot Chocolate, mug up and Goodbye (bring your mug) in Activity Pavilion